The 34th International Symposium of Chemical Engineering (ISChE2023)
Date and Time: December.2,2023
Place:The K Hotel GYEONGYU
Kaisei Okamura:Evaluation of degradation mechanisms of polymer electrolyte fuel cell using DEM simulation
(Outstanding Oral Presentation Award)
The 34th International Symposium of Chemical Engineering (ISChE2023)
場所:The K Hotel GYEONGYU (ザ・Kホテル慶州) 慶州北道慶州市エキスポロ45
岡村海晟:Evaluation of degradation mechanisms of polymer electrolyte fuel cell using DEM simulation
(Outstanding Oral Presentation Award)
The 34th International Symposium of Chemical Engineering (ISChE2023)
Date and time:December.2,2023
Place:The K Hotel GYEONGYU
Yuki Saito:Analysis and optimization of Agglomeration in Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cell Catalyst Ink by simulation
Yuki Mori:Simulation of Lithium-Sulfur Batteries and Optimization of Cathode Structure
Yuki Eto:Internal crack formation mechanism and its effect on all solid-state batteries considering expansion and contraction
Kaisei Okamura:Evaluation of degradation mechanisms of polymer electrolyte fuel cell using DEM simulation
Ayako Kondo:Evaluation of reaction and mass transport properties of fuel cell catalyst layers
Keita Nakano:Simulation of PEFC output characteristics considering the effect of carbon support structure
The 34th International Symposium of Chemical Engineering (ISChE2023)
場所:The K Hotel GYEONGYU (ザ・Kホテル慶州) 慶州北道慶州市エキスポロ45
齋藤悠貴:Analysis and optimization of Agglomeration in Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cell Catalyst Ink by simulation
森 雄輝:Simulation of Lithium-Sulfur Batteries and Optimization of Cathode Structure
江藤佑樹:Internal crack formation mechanism and its effect on all solid-state batteries considering expansion and contraction
岡村海晟:Evaluation of degradation mechanisms of polymer electrolyte fuel cell using DEM simulation
近藤絢子:Evaluation of reaction and mass transport properties of fuel cell catalyst layers
中野佳太:Simulation of PEFC output characteristics considering the effect of carbon support structure
Date and time: October 26-28, 2023
Venue:National Taiwan University of Science and Technology
Title:Computer Simulation Technology for Design of Electrode Structure
演題:Computer Simulation Technology for Design of Electrode Structure
Date : October 8-12, 2023 | Gothenburg, Sweden
Oral presentation-
“Cell Performance Prediction of the Particle Structure of All-Solid-State Batteries By Numerical Simulation and Machine Learning”
G. Inoue, C. Komori, S. Yano, and M. So (Kyushu University)
“ Microscale Simulation of Carbon Support Structure Degradation in Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cell”
G. Inoue, A. Permatasari, Y. Saito, M. So, and K. Okamura (Kyushu University)
“Understanding the Effect of Mechanical Degradation on the Performance of Solid-State Batteries through Particle Simulations”
M. So, A. Permatasari, S. Yano, Y. Saito, Y. Mori, and G. Inoue (Kyushu University)
“Simulation Study of Li-Ion Batteries Considering the Porosity and Tortuosity of Separator”
A. Permatasari, M. So, Y. Mori, Y. Saito, and G. Inoue (Kyushu University)
Poster presentation-
”Comparisoj of Different Carbon Supports by Simulation of Agglomeration in Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cell Catalyst Ink”
Y. Saito, M. So, and G. Inoue (Kyushu University)
“Simulation of Lithium-sulflur Batteries and Optimization of Cathode Structure”
Y. Mori and G. Inoue (Kyushu University)
日時:2023. 10. 8 (日)~12(木)
会場:スウェーデン エキシビション&コングレスセンター
“Cell Performance Prediction of the Particle Structure of All-Solid-State Batteries By Numerical Simulation and Machine Learning”
井上 元,小森 千有里 ,矢野 振一郎,宗 カール マグヌス ヴァルデマール
“ Microscale Simulation of Carbon Support Structure Degradation in Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cell”
井上 元,アグネシア パルマタサリ,齋藤 悠貴,宗 カール マグヌス ヴァルデマール,岡村 海晟
“Understanding the Effect of Mechanical Degradation on the Performance of Solid-State Batteries through Particle Simulations”
宗 カール マグヌス ヴァルデマール,アグネシア パルマタサリ,矢野 振一郎,齋藤 悠貴,森 雄輝,井上 元
“Simulation Study of Li-Ion Batteries Considering the Porosity and Tortuosity of Separator”
アグネシア パルマタサリ,宗 カール マグヌス ヴァルデマール,森 雄輝,齋藤 悠貴,井上 元
”Comparisoj of Different Carbon Supports by Simulation of Agglomeration in Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cell Catalyst Ink”
齋藤 悠貴,井上 元
“Simulation of Lithium-sulflur Batteries and Optimization of Cathode Structure”
森 雄輝,井上 元