The 34th International Symposium of Chemical Engineering (ISChE2023)
場所:The K Hotel GYEONGYU (ザ・Kホテル慶州) 慶州北道慶州市エキスポロ45
齋藤悠貴:Analysis and optimization of Agglomeration in Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cell Catalyst Ink by simulation
森 雄輝:Simulation of Lithium-Sulfur Batteries and Optimization of Cathode Structure
江藤佑樹:Internal crack formation mechanism and its effect on all solid-state batteries considering expansion and contraction
岡村海晟:Evaluation of degradation mechanisms of polymer electrolyte fuel cell using DEM simulation
近藤絢子:Evaluation of reaction and mass transport properties of fuel cell catalyst layers
中野佳太:Simulation of PEFC output characteristics considering the effect of carbon support structure