九州大学大学院工学研究院化学工学部門 第7講座 電池・電気化学システム研究グループ

Mr. Mori, 2nd year of master’s student, received the Poster Award at the 54th Autumn Meeting of the Society of Chemical Engineers, Japan.


Kyushu University Graduate School

Process Systems Engineering Laboratory
Department of Chemical Engineering
Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan

Professor: Gen Inoue

Assoc. Prof.: Shusaku Asano

Assis. Prof.: Takeru Yano


Mr. Mori, 2nd year of master’s student, received the Poster Award at the 54th Autumn Meeting of the Society of Chemical Engineers, Japan.

54th Autumn Meeting of the Society of Chemical Engineers, Japan

Sep. 11 (Mon) – Sep.13 (Wed), 2023

Fukuoka University, Nanakuma Cumpus


SY-75 “Conversion, Storage and Utilization” of Material and Energy with Electrochemical Technology (Poster)



PA320:Optimization for Cathode Structure of Lithium-Sulfur Batteries

(Kyushu U.) *(Stu)Mori Y., (Reg)Inoue G.