九州大学大学院工学研究院化学工学部門 第7講座 電池・電気化学システム研究グループ

M2 Saito-kun, Mori-kun, M1 Eto-kun, Okamura-kun, Kondo-kun, and Nakano-kun gave presentations at ISChE2023@Korea (Gyeongju).


Kyushu University Graduate School

Process Systems Engineering Laboratory
Department of Chemical Engineering
Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan

Professor: Gen Inoue

Assoc. Prof.: Shusaku Asano

Assis. Prof.: Takeru Yano


M2 Saito-kun, Mori-kun, M1 Eto-kun, Okamura-kun, Kondo-kun, and Nakano-kun gave presentations at ISChE2023@Korea (Gyeongju).

The 34th International Symposium of Chemical Engineering (ISChE2023)

Date and time:December.2,2023

Place:The K Hotel GYEONGYU  


Yuki Saito:Analysis and optimization of Agglomeration in Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cell Catalyst Ink by simulation

Yuki Mori:Simulation of Lithium-Sulfur Batteries and Optimization of Cathode Structure

Yuki Eto:Internal crack formation mechanism and its effect on all solid-state batteries considering expansion and contraction

Kaisei Okamura:Evaluation of degradation mechanisms of polymer electrolyte fuel cell using DEM simulation

Ayako Kondo:Evaluation of reaction and mass transport properties of fuel cell catalyst layers

Keita Nakano:Simulation of PEFC output characteristics considering the effect of carbon support structure