Five presentations were given by our laboratory at the 53rd Autumn Meeting of the Society of Chemical Engineers, Japan.
53rd Autumn Meeting of the Society of Chemical Engineers, Japan
Sep. 14 (Wed) – Sep.16 (Fri), 2022
Online(Shinshu University, Nagono(Engineering) Cumpus
FA126 Integrated use of simulators of fuel cell catalyst layer and fuel cell system for material design
(Kyushu U.) *(Reg)Inoue Gen, (Kyoto U.) (Reg)Hasegawa Shigeki, (TUAT) (Reg·APCE)Kim Sanghong, (Kyoto U.) (Reg)Kageyama Miho, (Reg)Kawase Motoaki
FA203 [The Outstanding Paper Award] Identifying Parameters from Discharging and Relaxation Curves of Lithium-Ion Batteries Using Porous Electrode Theory
(Kyushu U.) *(Reg)Inoue G., Mashioka H., (Teikyo U.) (Reg)Kimura N., (Kyushu U.) (Reg)Tsuge Y.
FA205 The Relationship Between Process conditions and Battery Properties of Lithium-ion Battery Electrodes Using a Solvent-free Method
(Toyota Central R&D Lab.) *(Cor)Yonaga Ayaka, (Cor)Kawauchi Shigehiro, (Cor)Matsunaga Takuro, (Reg)Nakamura Hiroshi, (Kyushu U.) (Stu)Mori Yuki,
(Stu)Liu Xuanchen, (Stu)Ishikawa Shota, (Stu)Nunoshita Keita, (Reg)Inoue Gen
PA305 Prediction of agglomeration behavior in fuel cell catalyst ink by simulation
(Kyushu U.) *(Stu)Saito Y., So M., (Reg)Inoue G.
PA320 Prediction of an in-Plane Anomalous Current Using Numerical Simulation and Machine Learning
(Kyushu U.) *(Stu)Mori Y., (Stu)Komori C., (Reg)Inoue G.