九州大学大学院工学研究院化学工学部門 第7講座 電池・電気化学システム研究グループ

Dr. Yano, (M1) Mr. Omoto, Mr. Sato, and Mr. Nagashima gave presentations at the 31st Kyushu Region Young Chemical Engineers Conference.


Kyushu University Graduate School

Process Systems Engineering Laboratory
Department of Chemical Engineering
Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan

Professor: Gen Inoue

Assoc. Prof.: Shusaku Asano

Assis. Prof.: Takeru Yano


Dr. Yano, (M1) Mr. Omoto, Mr. Sato, and Mr. Nagashima gave presentations at the 31st Kyushu Region Young Chemical Engineers Conference.

Dr. Yano, (M1) Mr. Omoto, Mr. Sato, and Mr. Nagashima gave presentations at the 34th Kyushu Region Young Chemical Engineers Conference.

the 34th Kyushu Region Young Chemical Engineers Conference

Date: 2024. Jul. 19-20

Venue: Kitakyushu Science and Research Park


Takeru Yano: Invited talk (1) Wo ein Wille ist, ist auch ein Weg. ー意志あるところに道は開ける (Report on Study Abroad in Germany)

Shinnosuke Omoto: (Poster No. 9) 水電解セルの多孔質電極内2相流解析と構造相関評価

Koki Sato: (Poster No. 8) 全固体電池の電極構造が応力場・反応場へ及ぼす影響の解明と構造設計

Kosei Nagashima: (Poster No. 7) リチウムイオン電池内部の構造変形が電池性能に与える影響とその評価

