九州大学大学院工学研究院化学工学部門 第7講座 電池・電気化学システム研究グループ

8 members of our group gave presentations at SCEJ 55th Autumn Meeting


Kyushu University Graduate School

Process Systems Engineering Laboratory
Department of Chemical Engineering
Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan

Professor: Gen Inoue

Assoc. Prof.: Shusaku Asano

Assis. Prof.: Takeru Yano


8 members of our group gave presentations at SCEJ 55th Autumn Meeting

8 members of our group gave presentations at the Society of Chemical Engineers, Japan (SCEJ) 55th Autumn Meeting.


SCEJ 55th Autumn Meeting

Date: 2024. Sep. 11-13

Venue: Sappro Campus, Hokkaido University

Oral Presentation:
(S203) *Yano Takeru, Moritz Hofer, Ohsaki Shuji, Nakamura Hideya, Watano Satoru, Inoue Gen, Peter Michalowski, Arno Kwade
“Numerical analysis of effect of particle size distribution on ionic conductive path in electrode for all solid state battery”

Poster Presentation:

(YB249) *Kondo A., Saito Y., Permatasari A., Nakano K., Yano T., Inoue G.
“Prediction of cell characteristics of PEFC by machine learning”

(YB251) *Nagashima K., Yano T., Inoue G.
“Effect of Dynamic Behavior of Battery Internal Structure in Contracting Environment on Battery Performance and Evaluation”

(YB202) *Eto Y., So M., Yano T., Inoue G.
“Structural analysis in lithium-ion batteries considering viscoelasticity”

(YB226) *Sato K., Eto Y., So M., Yano T., Inoue G.
“Elucidation of the Effects of Particle Morphology on Battery Performance in All-Solid-State Battery Electrode Structures”

(YB228) *Ihara M., Yano T., Inoue G.
“Reaction Transport Analysis and Parameter Identification for Designing Lithium-Sulfur Battery Electrodes”

(YB248) *Nakano K., Saito Y., Permatasari A., Yano T., Inoue G.
“Evaluation of the effect of operating conditions using PEFC output characteristic simulation”

(YB250) *Okamura K., So M., Saito Y., Permatasari A., Yano T., Inoue G.
“Dynamic degradation analysis of polymer electrolyte fuel cell catalyst layers”
